Absolut Reorg Inc. welcomes You to our website.
Our company was established in 2012 in order to pursue accounting, tax consulting, auditing, management and other business consultancy operations. The aim of these activities is to help the actors of the business world to design a successful operational system, as also the elimination of problems, failures or possible malformations.
As a new register of liquidators was about to be produced, the shareholders decided to expand the activities of the company, and committed themselves to widen the range of activities of the share company. Our company submitted an application to be included in the new list and, as a result, our enterprise is now in the new Register of Liquidators, under no. 62.
In order to meet the new challenges, experts of liquidation, property management, and property claims settlement were recruited to join our staff of accountants, auditors and experts of reorganization, many of whom are in possession of several decades of professional experience. It guarantees the effective, precise, thorough and fast implementation of all the procedures.
The fast and effective reorganization of companies facing with liquidity problems, however, remains the main profile of our company. In this way, we contribute to the preservation of productive jobs and, ultimately, to sustaining the stability and increase of the entire economy. Our objective is, furthermore, to terminate the activities of companies the successful operation of which is no longer possible, in a transparent way and with the least possible losses, taking into consideration the interests of their respective creditors.
Our employees, many of whom have more than one college and university degree each, continually train themselves, attending different further training courses. All our activities are performed in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the strictest ethical norms.
Most of the activities of our company take place at its head offices in the capital city, but we have our independent representatives in the area of jurisdiction of each of the Regional Courts of Appeal, creating the conditions of better communication and cooperation between the parties involved, and we are easily able to meet local and regional characteristics.
Should you have any question in relation to our operations, do not hesitate to contact us!
The Board of Absolut Reorg Inc.